martes, octubre 25, 2005
Porqué?, me preguntaba en ese momento , los paradigmas esenciales del statu quo son inmanentes e inherentes a nuestra autopercepción?
Aún ensimimado como estaba con aquello no dejé de escuchar gorgoteos, borborigmos, flatos, gemidos, y una corrida generalizada de los participantes de la cena hacia babor para descargar el contenido de sus vísceras.
La inocuidad de los chorizos brilló por su ausencia. A Al y a mi no nos pasó nada seguramente debido a nuestra inveterada costumbre de comer chorizos en los bellos carritos de inoxidable de Montevideo.
El error de esta gente fue el asomar sus nalgas todas a la vez del mismo lado de la nave naviera.
Mi última visión antes que ésta capotara fue una fila de argénteos traseros brillando a la luz de la luna.
El cardumen de tiburones blancos que seguía la nave se hizo cargo de toda la tripulación, incluído el capitán que se quedó sin su sirena.
Nosotros (Al et moi), que estábamos en el otro lado de la nave fuimos catapultados al agua algo lejos del frenesí predador.
Así y todo un enorme escualo nos vió y se dirigió hacia nosotros. La máquina perfecta de matar mediría unos ocho metros. Seguramente se imaginaba una cena fácil.
No contaba con los contendores.
Tanto Al como yo teníamos como única arma una navaja suiza (trucha) cada uno. En vez de huir le fuimos al encuentro.
Doce días y doce noches de lucha en sima del Atlántico. Respirábamos por turnos. Finalmente lo despedazamos.
Algo cansados nos dejamos llevar por las corrientes superficiales haciendo la plancha. El resto de los tiburones que andaban en la vuelta advertidos de nuestra victoria no nos molestaron.
Al segundo día vimos algo extraño. Una pareja navegando en uno de esos botecitos a pedal.
Se nos acercaron. nos dieron comestibles, agua y trajes de neopreno.
Era una pareja holandesa de cuarentones. activistas de no sé que movimiento social de allá que estaba dando la vuelta al mundo para llamar la atención y lograr la paz mundial.
Al y yo ni nos miramos. En menos de lo que canta un gallo estábamos cómodamente instalados en el botecito y saludando con gratitud a la pareja holandesa.
No duraron mucho en la superficie.
Mientras pedaleábamos tranquilos escuchábamos a Engelbert Humperdink (Tenía buen gusto la parejita)
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'
So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'
But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me
------ trumpet ------
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me
De pronto la visión ininterrumpida del mar presentó una solución de continuidad. Algo que parecía ser un grupo de islas, no muy distante a proa.
Hacia allí nos dirigimos, pedaleando y cantando
Finished the heavy one char it of the captain, I felt impelled to the deep thought.
The immensity of the sea and the dark that surrounded to us created an intimist climate that called to the abstraction. Because ', it asked to me then, the essential paradigms of statu quo are inmanentes and inherent to our autopercepción?
Still ensimimado as it were with that I did not let listen to gorgoteos, borborigmos, flatos, moaned, and a bullfight generalized of the participants of the supper towards port to unload the content of its vísceras. The inocuidad of garlic sausages shone by its absence.
To A and my it surely did not pass anything to us due to our deeply rooted custom to eat garlic sausages in the beautiful carts of stainless of Montevideo.
The error of this people was to show its rumps all simultaneously of the same side of the shipping ship.
My last vision before this one overturned was a row of silver-plated buttocks shining to the light of the moon.
The shoal of fish of white sharks that followed the ship made position of all the crew, incluído the captain who remained without his siren.
We (To ET moi), who we were in the other side of the ship we were catapult to the water something far from the frenzy pregiver.
Thus and everything enormous escualo vió and went to us towards us.
The perfect machine to kill would measure about eight meters.
Surely a easy supper imagined. It did not count on the contendores.
As much To as I we had like only weapon a Swiss knife (trout) each one.
Instead of fleeing we went to him to the encounter. Twelve days and twelve nights of fight in sima of the Atlantic. We breathed in turns.
Finally we broke it.
Something tired we let ourselves take by the superficial currents making the plate.
The rest of the sharks that walked in the return warned of our victory to not bothered us.
The second day we saw something strange. A pair sailing in one of those botecitos to pedal. They approached to us gave us eatable, water and suits of neopreno. It was a Dutch pair of cuarentones. activists of I do not know that social movement of there that was giving the return to the world to call the attention and to obtain world-wide La Paz. At and I nor we watched ourselves. In less than what sings a rooster comfortably we were installed in the botecito and saluting with gratitude to the Dutch pair. They did not last much in the surface. While pedaleábamos calm we listened to Engelbert Humperdink (the parejita Had good taste) Raindrops keep fallin' on my head And just like the guy whose feet plows too big for his bed Nothin' seems to fit Those raindrops plows fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' Under I just did me some talkin' to the sun And I said I didn't like the way there am got things donates Sleepin' on the job Those raindrops plows fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' But therés one thing I know The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't eyes pisses my will soon be turnin' network for Cryin's not ' Causes Ím to me to never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because Ím free Nothin's worryin' me trumpet It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't pisses my eyes will soon be turnin' network for Cryin's not ' Causes Ím to me to never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because Ím free Nothin's worryin' me Suddenly the uninterrupted vision of the sea presented/displayed a continuity solution. Something that seemed to be a group of islands, not far distant to prow. Towards we went there, pedaleando and singing
viernes, octubre 21, 2005
Ahab Cuenta su Historia
Tras un día de navegación sin nada que reportar salvo el curso cambiante de la nave se vino la noche.
A Al se le ocurrió hacer una fogata en la popa y asar unos chorizos de Facoquero ( conocido también como jabalí verrugoso) que había comprado en el puerto.
Como complemento un costillar de Ñu , y como postre testículos de Pitón glaseados acompañados de helado de azúcar.
Por suerte la nave no se incendió y pudimos compartir una deliciosa cena.
Los chorizos se comportaron espléndidamente, tanto en textura como en sabor. El grado de picado era exacto y no contenían exceso de grasa. La condimentación algo exótica para el gusto oriental comulgaba perfectamente con la mezcla. La única observación es que al haber sido embutidos en tripa de elefante,- si bien esta se comportó a la perfección- su propio diámetro hizo que la cocción de los citados chacinados llevara más de tres horas.
El costillar de Ñu (o wildebeest) mediante su aroma sabor y textura nos transportó a la sabana africana, escenario de muchos de nuestros sueños.
Es una carne de fuerte carácter, casi exenta de grasa y color rotundo. Solamente hábiles asadores como Al puede transformar este corte en un manjar. Y Al lo logró.
Los aplausos que el resto de los comensales le propinó en la cara lo dejaron rojo. No de vergüenza.
El postre resultó una delicia reservada a muy pocos.
Hay que tener el gusto muy educado para poder deleitarse con esta golosinas. Los marineros que habían acompañado la comida sin problemas, se abalanzaron a la borda para vomitarlo.
Una vez terminada la colación, procedimos a abrir una botella de ron como bajativo.
Al rato (sería a eso de las dos de la mañana) apareció el capitán.
Parecía venir con ánimo de confidencias
Así era. Con voz aguardentosa y acodado en una pila de salvavidas comenzó su relato.
(La transcripción no es textual. Excluí las malas palabras y algunos extensos divagues sobre si somos amigos o no somos amigos)
..."Siempre fui un enamorado del mar. Como de niño vivía a más de 500 kilómetros del mismo, no lo pude aprovechar"....
...." A los dieciocho años me escapé de mi casa y me alisté en el cuerpo de marineros que cuidan las playas. "Playeritos". Me asignaron la peligrosa playa Pocitos. Muy estresante. Todo el turno alerta.
Me sirvió como experiencia y además gané en conocimiento de todo tipo de naves marítimas: salvavidas, cubiertas infladas, colchonetas. Mi pito y yo llegamos a ser leyenda en el barrio."....
..."Un día un oficial me vió en la oficina de prefectura y me preguntó si no quería pasar al cuerpo de Fusileros Navales(FUSNA), punta de lanza contra la amenaza subversiva.
Acepté. Allí aprendí todo sobre los submarinos. Como era tan bueno en lo mío salió un envidioso que inventó unas denuncias en mi contra. Ahí me pasaron a labores administrativas"......
.."Lo recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer. Acabábamos de ganar el Mundialito del80 venciendo a la formidable escuadra brasileña.
En vez a festejar a "18" como todos, preferí llevarme una botella de grappa y festejar solo.
Llegué a las rocas de La estacada casi de noche. No había nadie. Comencé a beber. Al rato escuché un susurro que pedía auxilio. Al principio no hice caso, pero el susurrante insistía. Me dediqué a buscar pues entre las rocas, ya casi sin luz. Al fin en un socavón entre dos rocas, semisumergida y tapada con diarios húmedos encontré a una mujer. Me pidió que la sacara de allí. Que la llevara a un lugar seguro.
No lo dudé. La cargué en mis hombros. La baranda a pescado y mar casi me hacen desmayar, pero me repuse y la llevé hasta la rambla donde tomamos un taxi hasta mi casa en el Cerrito de la Victoria.
Al llegar me pidió que la depositara en algún lugar donde pudiera sumergirse en agua. La coloqué en la bañera, que era vieja y bastante grande. Mientras corría el agua me pidió sal.
Cuando volví de la cocina la ví realmente. Pelo negro lacio y abundante. Ojos verdes. Piel trigueña tostada por mil soles. Pechos nutricios. Caderas amplias y.....cola de pescado. Una sirena. "....
..."Me enamoré de inmediato. Cantó durante toda la noche. Al otro día me tuve que bañar con la manguera en el jardín de adelante.
Como no había plantas los pasajeros de los ómnibuses que pasaban se reían de mí. No me importaba"....
..."Mil planes hicimos para lograr concretar nuestra felicidad por encima de las diferencias de especie. Tratamos varias veces pero nada".....
... "Un día me dijo que buscara debajo de una piedra al lado del Faro de Punta Carretas y que le llevara lo que encontrara sin abrirlo antes.
Fui inmediatamente, y debajo de la centésimosegunda piedra encontré un maletín de regulares proporciones. Olvidé su consejo y lo abrí. Estaba lleno de dinero. Miles de Dólares.
Cuando llegué a casa me recibió llorando. Ya sabía todo.".....
..."ese dinero nos va a servir, pero algo muy malo va a pasar Abbie (así me decía ella). Lo hecho hecho está. Quiero que compres una casa en el balneario Las Garzas lo más cercano al mar posible. Si no hay casas compra un terreno".....
...."A los dos meses y diseñada por ella teníamos una casa maravillosa que en realidad era una piscina techada rodeada por una ancha vereda y cruzada por numerosos puentes. Unas bombas se encargaban de traer y llevar el agua del mar."....
... "Tu me quieres como mujer, me dijo. Entra en la piscina en la próxima luna llena y me tendrás. No puedes quedarte luego de la medianoche"...
.."A los dos días, apenas se hizo la noche, mis Patterson y yo entramos a la piscina."....
...."maravilloso, pero al final me dormí. Me despertó un dolor espantoso. La Sirena, transfigurada me estaba comiendo la pierna. Grité.
Me miró con ojos tristes y se escapó por las cañerías.
Desde ese día la busco. El que la encuentre se queda con la moneda. Ella se llama Núbice"....
Al se puso a llorar y los rudos marineros también
No ibamos para Uruguay
Ahab Cuenta its History
After a day of navigation without which to report except for the changing course of the ship came the night.
To A it was happened to him to make a bonfire in the stern and to roast garlic sausages of Facoquero (well-known also like warty wild boar) that it had bought in the port.
As complement costillar of Ñu, and like dessert glaseados testicles of Pitón accompanied by sugar ice cream.
Luckily the ship did not catch fire and we could share a delicious supper.
The garlic sausages behaved splendidly, as much in texture as in flavor.
The pricked degree of was exact and they did not contain excess of fat.
The somewhat exotic condimentación for the Eastern taste agreed perfectly with the mixture. The only observation is that to the salary inserted in elephant gut, - although this behaved to the perfection its own diameter caused that the baking of the chacinados mentioned ones took more than three hours.
Costillar of Ñu (or wildebeest) by means of its aroma flavor and texture transported us to the African savannah, scene of many of our dreams.
It is a meat of strong character, almost free of fat and full color.
Only capable spits as To it can transform this cut into manjar. And To it obtained it.
The applause that the rest of the companions at table offered to him in the face left it red. Not of shame.
The dessert was a delight reserved to very few. It is necessary to have the taste very educated to be able to delight with this treats. The sailors who had accompanied the food without problems, rushed themselves to the hut to vomit it.
Once finished the collation, we came to open a bottle of rum like bajativo.
In the short while (he would be about the two in the morning) he appeared the captain. It seemed to come with spirit of secrets Thus was.
With alcoholic and leaned voice in a life-guard battery its story began. (the transcription is not textual. I excluded the bad words and some extensive ones you digress on if we are friends or we are not friends)
... "Siempre I were enamoring with the sea. As on boy it lived to more than 500 kilometers on the same one, I could not take advantage of it "....
...." To the eighteen years I escaped of my house and I got ready in the body of sailors who take care of beaches. "Playeritos". They assigned the dangerous Pocitos beach to me. Very estresante. All the alert turn. It served to me as experience and in addition I won in knowledge of all type of marine ships: inflated life-guards, covers, long cushions. My whistle and I got to be legend in the district."....
... "Un day an official me vió in the prefecture office and asked if it did not want to me to happen to the body of Navales(FUSNA) Infantry, point of the spear against the subversive threat. I accepted. There I learned everything on the submarines. As it were so good in mine it left an envious one who invented denunciations in my against. There they happened to me to administrative workings "......
.."Lo memory as if it had been yesterday. We finished gaining the Mundialito del80 winning to the formidable Brazilian square. In time to festejar to "18" like all, I preferred to take a bottle to me of grappa and to festejar single. I arrived at dusk at rocks of the stockade. There was nobody. I began to drink. The short while I listened to a whisper that requested aid. I did not make case in the beginning, but the whispering one insisted. Deiqué to look for to me then between rocks, already almost without light. To the aim in a cavern between two rocks, semisubmerged and covered with humid newspapers I found a woman. It requested to me that it removed it from there. That it took it place to a safe. I did not doubt it. I loaded it in my shoulders. The fish railing and sea almost make me desmayar, but I recovered and I took it until the boulevard where we took a taxi until my house in the Cerrito from the Victory. When arriving it requested to me that it deposited it in some place where could submerge in water. I placed it in the bathtub, that was old and quite great. While it ran the water requested salt to me. When I really returned from the kitchen the ví.
Straight and abundant black hair. Green eyes. Dark-skinned skin toasted by thousand suns. Nutricios chests. Ample hips and.....cola of fish. A siren "....
... "Me I enamored immediately. It sang during all the night. To the other day I had myself to bathe with the hose in the garden of ahead. Since there were no plants the passengers of the omnibuses that happened laughed of me. He did not matter to me "....
... "Mil plans we made to manage to make specific our happiness over the species differences. We treated several times but nothing "".....
... "a day said to me that it looked for underneath a stone next to the Light of End Carts and that it took to him what found without opening it before. I was immediately, and underneath centésimosegunda stone I found a briefcase of regular proportions. I forgot its advice and I opened it. He was full of money. Thousands of Dollars. When I arrived at house received to me crying."
."..... already knew to everything ... money "ese is going to serve to us, but something very bad is going to pass Abbie (therefore she said to me), but the fact done is. I want that you buy a house in the bath closest the Herons to the possible sea. If there are no houses it buys a land ".....
...."A both months and designed by her we had a wonderful house that in fact was a swimming pool put a roof on surrounded by a wide path and crossed by numerous bridges. Pumps were in charge to bring and to take to the water of the sea."....
... "Your you want to me like woman, said to me. It enters the swimming pool in the next Full Moon and you will have to me. You cannot quedarte after the midnight "...
.."A both days, as soon as she became the night, my Patterson and I entered the swimming pool."....
...."maravilloso, but in the end I fell asleep. A frightful pain woke up to me. The Siren, transfigurada was eating me the leg. I shouted.
It watched to me with sad eyes and one escaped by the pipes.
From that day I look for it. The one that finds it is with the currency. It is called Núbice "....
To she put herself to cry and the robust also nonibamos sailors for Uruguay
miércoles, octubre 19, 2005
Alone again (Naturally) Gracias H.M.
Oh in a little while from now
if I'm not feeling anyless sour
I promise myself to treat myself
and visit a nearby tower
and climbing to the top
will throw myself off
in an effort to make it clear
to whoever what it's like when you're shattered
left standing in the lurch at a church
where people saying 'my god
that's tough she's stood him up
no point in us remainig
we may as well go home'
as I did on my own
alone again naturally.
To think that only yesterday
I was cheerrful
bright and gay
looking forward to well who wouldn't do
the role I was about to play
but as if to knock me down
reality came around
and without so much
as a mere touch
cut me into little pieces
leaving me to doubt talk about
god in his mercy who if
he really does exist
why did he desert me in my hour of need
I truly am indeed
alone again naturally.
It seems to me that there are more hearts
broken in the world that can't be mended
left unattended what do we do what do we do
alone again naturally.
Now looking back over the years
and whatever else that appears
I remember I cried when my father died
never wishing to hide the tears
and at sixty-five years old
my mother
God rest her soul
couldn't understand why
the only man she had ever loved had been taken
so badly broken despite
encouragemant from me no words were ever spoken
and when she passed away
I cried and cried all day
alone again naturally.
Volvimos a puerto donde nos asignaron otra nave.
Al revés del primer embarque que había sido calmo, el caos y la agitación coparon el embarque del segundo cascajo.
Mientras por los parlantes de una radio de los 70 sonaba Gilbert O ´Sullivan, algunos promitentes pasajeros comenzaron a desertar.
La primera fue Eleonora que se quedó con el dueño de Buquebús. Según me enteré le prometió cubrirla de pieles y joyas.
Luego los Xmen decidieron que su avión ofrecía más seguridad que el Alíscafo. Titania se despidió de Al con un beso de doce minutos y bajó la escalerilla tan campante.
Me pareció ver una lágrima en uno de los ojos de Al, pero luego constaté que era que era una mucosidad que se había acumulado en el ojo de vidrio. "Hay que lavarlo todos los días!", decía mamá.
Grinsaíno, en un estado de excitación inexplicable, luego de haber hablado con unos pigmeos, fué hasta una ferretería y compró aguarrás.
Volvió corriendo y pasó un trapo empapado en el solvente por sobre el nombre de la nave "María Eugenia III". Aparecieron debajo unas letras viejas "PEQ" y no se leía el resto.
Desde el puente el capitán, (al que noté medio rengo) trataba de apurar el trámite lanzando juramentos que hubieran hecho ruborizar a los marinos más rudos.
Encaré a Grinsaíno
- Vamos?
- Preferiría no hacerlo, contestó acurrucado contra unos hatos.
Traté de convecerlo de mil maneras. Me fue imposible.
Finalmente zarpamos
Sólos Al y Yo
El Capitán se llamaba Ahab, y prontamente conocimos a la variopinta tripulación.
De ruda apariencia y procedentes seguramente de los cuatro rincones del mundo
Se llamaban:
Queequeg, Starbuck, Stubb, Flask, Daggoo, y Tashtego.
Ya en el mar, en una maniobra que no comprendí, el capitán, que tenía una pata de palo, clavó una moneda de oro en la antena.
Con eso anuló nuestras posibilidades de comunicación por radio y estopeó el radar.
Más o menos rápidamente perdimos de vista la lengua de tierra.
El capitán no lo dijo.
Íbamos rumbo al Sur
Solos. En la madrugada
Sólo, nuevamente (naturalmente) Thanks H.M.
The slow game of the Alíscafo was not accidental. He was broken.
We returned to port where they assigned another ship to us.
The other way around of the first boarding that had been barren, the chaos and the agitation won the boarding of the second gravel.
While by the loudspeakers of one radio of the 70 sounded Gilbert Or ´Sullivan, some fleeting promitentes began to desert.
First it was Eleonora that remained with the owner of Buquebús. According to I found out promised to him to cover it with skins and jewels.
Soon the Xmen decided that its airplane offered more security than the Alíscafo. Titania took leave of A with a kiss of twelve minutes and lowered the so cool stairway.
It seemed to see a tear me in one of the eyes of A, but soon I stated that it was that it was a mucosity that was had accumulated in the glass eye. "It is necessary to wash it every day", mother said.
Grinsaíno, in a state of inexplicable excitation, after to have spoken with pigmeos, fué until an ironworks and bought turpentine spirit.
It returned running and it passed a rag soaked in the solvent through over the name of the ship "Maria Eugenia III". They appeared old letters "PEQ underneath" and the rest was not legible From the bridge the captain, (to that I noticed means rengo) tried to worry the proceeding sending oaths that had made ruborizar to the most robust sailors.
I faced Grinsaíno
- We go?
- It would prefer not to do it, answered curled up against cattle ranches.
I tried to convecer it of thousand ways. It was impossible to me.
Finally we weighed anchor Sólos To and I
The Captain was called Ahab, and quickly we knew the many-colored crew.
Of robust appearance and originating surely of the four corners of the world they were called: Queequeg, Starbuck, Stubb, Flask, Daggoo, and Tashtego.
Already in the sea, in one maneuver which I did not include/understand, the captain, who had a wood leg, nailed a gold currency in the antenna.
With that it annulled to our possibilities of communication by radio and estopeó the radar.
More or less quickly we lost of Vista the earth language.
The captain did not say it. We went Single course to the South.
At dawn
lunes, octubre 17, 2005
In the harbour
No tenía dudas en la capacidad de la Hummer en atravesar la selva.
Salimos a las 9:00 desde algún lugar de Niger. Todo nuestro trayecto fue acompañado de lejanos Tam-tams que anunciaban nuestra presencia.
En un pueblo que paramos por agua quisieron coronar a Al como rey, pero ví que había un volcán pronto a erupcionar en las cercanías y me pareció más prudente rajar.
El sonido de los tambores era generalmemente ocultado por el discman de la Hummer.
Eleonora se nombró disc-jocketta y no dejó de pasar éxitos del pop francés de los años 60.
Algunos añorábamos ya los tambores.
Mobila nos fué de gran utilidad como se suponía. Conocía cada rincón, nos indicaba el camino correcto en cada bifurcación, y si eso fuera poco nos cazaba los insectos , raíces y orugas con los que nos alimentamos hasta que llegamos a destino.
En una ocasión quise cazar un rinoceronte no muy grande, y cazarlo a su manera, es decir a cabezazos.
Me dejó por el piso con la primera embestida, y si no fuera por la placa metálica que tengo en la cabeza, me hubiera perforado el cráneo. A partir de allí me conformé con las orugas.
Al llegar finalmente a la ciudad de Libreville, me fueron muy útiles mis estudios de Sociología. Pude de un vistazo determinar que la sociedad se divide étnicamente en dos grupos. Un 60% aproximadamente de negros y el resto de muy negros.
Hay un ínfimo porcentaje de blancos, hindúes y malayos que no cambian el paisaje urbano.
Es llamativo eso sí que todos los mini markets son propiedad de coreanos.
Llegamos al puerto a las 17:00 hs, justo media hora antes de la prevista para el embarque. Puerto es un decir, ya que se trata de un precario embarcadero soportado por palafitos.
Nos encontramos nada menos que con López Mena, el propietario de Buquebús que repartía caramelos de café entre los promitentes viajeros mientras anunciaba 24 horas de retraso en la partida.
Pasmosamente entre los otros pasajeros nos encontramos con los Xmen, que esperaban también el transporte interoceánico para conocer Uruguay y fundar una Universidad en Punta del Este conjuntamente con el CLAEH.
Al rato nos distribuyeron en unas chozas mientras llegaba la cena.
Al,le sacaba el bulto a Eleonora, que por más que lo buscaba no lograba una respuesta acorde.
Mi brillante hermano tenía la mente puesta en Titania. Y debo decir que a ésta él no le era indiferente.
Sabiendo de antemano de los poderes de la superheroína, Al ya estaba calculando como solucionar el problema. Como primera cosa mandó a a Mobila a comprar 3 pares de mangueras de radiador.
Luego de que éste se las trajera les hizo soldar una punta. Iba bien
Durante la cena me dediqué a conversar con el profesor Xavier. Estábamos igualados, ya que luego de mi lucha con el rino también andaba en silla de ruedas.
Grinsaíno departía mansamente con la dotora Jean Grey (nada mal), bajo las miradas asesinas de Guepardo y el gilazo de Cíclope
Luego de la cena y antes de retirarnos a nuestras chozas Al fue al puerto y se hizo envolver en el termocontraíble que envuelven las valijas, dejando apenas algunos orificios libres. Después de eso, y aunque algo rígido, agarró las mangueras y se dirigió a la choza de Titania . La puerta se abrió y cerró en un santiamén.
Yo no me acosté. Permanecí mirando el paisaje de la costa. Trataba de adivinar que nos esperaba del otro lado del Atlántico.
Eleonora me anduvo rondando un rato. Me daba conversación.
Pero no estaba interesado. Además impedido.
Convencida que nada iba a lograr, se vistió de gala y se fue al casino. Tras de sí llevaba, atado con una correa a Grinsaíno
Pocos minutos después la choza de Titania se transformó en una fuente de gemidos y alaridos que duró hasta el amanecer. Todo esto acompañado de luces malas y bombas brasileras. El techo de la choza voló destrozado, y una fortísima luz azulada tornaba la noche en día. Evidentemente la estaban pasando bien.
A la media mañana apareció lo que iba a ser nuestro transporte transoceánico. Un viejo alíscafo en el cual hubiera dudado viajar desde Colonia buenos Aires. Era lo único que había.
Le Reclamé a López Mena (que seguía repartiendo caramelos) y me dijo que era una línea que no redituaba mucho y que no podía gastar en una máquina decente.
Por lo menos le arranqué la promesa de que el transporte de la Hummer, aunque fuera en barco, iba por cuenta suya, así como los gastos e internación.
Y así al mediodía, uno por uno subimos los gastados escalones de la escalerilla para dirigirnos al mejor país del mundo: Uruguay
Al (ya sin envolturas) y Titania de la mano.
Los demás subieron de a uno. Cuando quisimos acordar los únicos que quedábamos en el puerto eramos el profesor Xavier, Mobila y Yo.
Mobila llamó a unos changadores y por unos centavos nos subieron a nosotros y a las sillas a bordo del alíscafo.
Los motores se encendieron. En una pantalla comenzaron a pasar La Revista Estelar con Humberto de Vargas joven. El primer clip que pasaron fue un éxito de Azúcar Moreno.
Desde el raquítico muelle Mobila saludaba con la mano.
Pasadas las dos horas y viendo que nuestra velocidad de traslación era muy baja se encogió de hombros, dió media vuelta, y se fue.
En el Puerto
Now yes. We had to almost leave course to Libreville without scales.
It did not have doubts in the capacity of the Hummer in crossing the forest.
We left to 9:00 from some place of Niger. All our distant passage was accompanied by Tam-tams that announced our presence.
In a town which we stopped by water wanted to crown to A like king, but ví who was a volcano soon to erupcionar in the neighborhoods and it seemed more prudent to me to crack.
The sound of the drums was generalmemente hidden by discman of the Hummer. Eleonora named disc-jocketta and it did not let pass successes of the pop French of years 60. Some we longed for the drums already.
Mobila us fué very useful as one assumed. It knew each corner, it indicated the correct way to us in each bifurcation, and if that outside little hunted the insects, roots and caterpillars to us with which we fed ourselves until we arrived at destiny.
In an occasion I wanted to hunt a rhino not very great, and to hunt it to its way, is to say to blows on the head. It left me by the floor with the first attack, and if not outside by the metallic plate which I have in the head, the skull had perforated me.
From I was satisfied there to the caterpillars.
When arriving finally at the city of Libreville, my studies of Sociology were to me very useful. I could of a look determine that the society divides itself ethnically in two groups. A 60% approximately of black and the rest of very black. There is a very small percentage of targets, Hindu and Malayan that do not change the urban landscape.
That is showy yes that all mini markets is property of Korean.
We arrived at the port to 17:00 hs, just half an hour before the anticipated one for the boarding. Port is to say, since it is a precarious wharf supported by palafitos.
We were nothing than with Lopez Mena less, the proprietor of Buquebús that distributed caramels of coffee between the travelling promitentes while it announced 24 hours of delay in the game.
Amazingly between the other passengers we were with the Xmen, that they also hoped the interoceanic transport to know Uruguay and to jointly found a University on End of the East with the CLAEH.
In the short while they distributed to us in huts while the supper arrived.
To, it removed the bulk to him to Eleonora, that no matter how hard it looked for it did not obtain an agreed answer.
My shining brother had the mind put in Titania. And I must say that to this one he he was not to him indifferent. Knowing beforehand of the powers of the superheroin, To already it was calculating like solving the problem. As first thing commanded to a Mobila to buy 3 pairs of radiator hoses. After which this one was engaged in them made weld an end them. It went well During the supper I dedicated myself to talk with professor Xavier. We were even, since after my fight with the rino also it walked in wheelchair.
Grinsaíno tamely conversed with the dotora Jean Congregation (nothing badly), under the killer glances of Guepardo and gilazo of Cyclop
After the supper and before retiring to nuesras huts to us To it went to the port and it was made surround in the termocontraíble that surround the valises, leaving hardly some free oriicios. After that, and although something rigid, it took hold hoses and one went to the hut of Titania. The door was opened and closed in santiamén.
I did not lie down. I remained watching the landscape of the coast. It tried to guess that it hoped to us across of the Atlantic. Eleonora walked to me making the rounds awhile. It gave conversation me. But it was not interested. In addition prevented.
Convinced that nothing was going to obtain, one got dressed in full dress and one went to the casino. Behind himself it took, tied with a strap to Grinsaíno
Few minutes later the hut of Titania was transformed into a source of moaned and howls that lasted until the dawn.
All this accompanied by bad lights and Brazilian pumps. The ceiling of the hut flew destroyed, and one fortísima bluish light returned the night in day.
Evidently they were passing it well.
To mid-morning it appeared what was going to be our transoceanic transport. Old alíscafo in which it had doubted to travel from Buenos Aires Colony.
He was the unique thing that was. I protested to him to Lopez Mena (who continued distributing caramels) and she said to me that it was a line that redituaba and that could not much spend in a decent machine.
To at least I took the promise of which the transport of the Hummer, although outside in boat, went by account hers, as well as the expenses and internment him.
And thus at noon, one by one we raised the spent steps of the stairway to go to the best country of the world: Uruguay
To (already without envelopes) and the Titania of the hand. The others raised of a one. When we wanted to decide the only ones that we were left in the port eramos professor Xavier, Mobila and I.
Mobila called to porters and by cents they on board raised us us and the chairs of alíscafo.
The motors ignited. In a screen they began to make the Stellar Review with Humberto de young Vargas. The first paper clip that happened was a Brown Sugar success. From the rickety Mobila wharf it saluted with the hand. Spent the two hours and seeing that our speed of transfering was very low it shrank of shoulders, it gave average return, and one went away.
domingo, octubre 09, 2005
1222 |
Un Sueño soñaba anocheSoñito del alma mía
Soñaba que estaba muerto
Y que en mi cajón no cabíasElías Cañetti (1875 - 1899)Cuando terminé de despertar ya despuntaba el sol.
Preparé todo en la Hummer porque el viaje iba a ser largo e inhóspito.
Debíamos atravesar el desierto y como siete fronteras.
Si esperaba por los de la fortaleza no salíamos más.
Finalmente lo hicimos. A Grinsaíno hubo que bajarlo en andas. No podía caminar.
Traía consigo lo que parecía ser su posesión más valiosa. El DVD del Castillo de la suerte.
Yo manejaba, Grinsaíno de acompañante.
Atrás los dos tórtolos.
En la caja, sin que lo supiera, iba un negrito polizón. Lo descubriríamos a su tiempo.
El cruce del Sahara fue sencillo. El vehículo se comportó bien y además levábamos una reserva de 500 litros de agua potable.
La cosa se puso aburrida cuando llegamos a Niger (creo). Piedras y más piedras.
De pronto Al exclama:
- Mirá un Suricata!, igual que el de Timón y Pumba!
Me sorprendió, ya que estos simpáticos mamíferos viven al sur de África, pero estaban allí.
No lo iba a discutir.
- Que divinos! exclamó Eleonora. No son una ternura?.
Grinsaíno seguía encofrado en su mutismo.
El que se manifestó fue el polizonte al que bauticé de Mobila (yo sabía quién era)
Pegaba en el vidrio trasero y señalaba la colonia de Suricatas.
Detuve la camioneta.
Cenamos esos encantadores bichitos. Cerca de treinta. Los más ricos son los cachorros lactantes. Después adquieren como un retrogusto raro.No los recomiendo para la cena. Caen pesados.
Esa noche dormí mal y tuve sueños extraños, cosa que nunca me pasa
Soñé con mi entierro. Era fabuloso
Grinsaíno se ocupaba de la proyección con un cañón de imágenes digitalizadas de la grabación de Kind Of Blue y la irradiación simultánea de "So What". La versión original de ese disco
Mientras la multitud (me acompañaba un lote de gente) se solazaba, dos manos que no pude identificar ataron cada una a un asa del ataúd una cinta Roja y una cinta Violeta.Me bajaron. Cerraron las losas.
La multitud partió toda junta para la mansión familiar.
Allí los esperaba un buffet fabuloso y las mejores bebidas alcohólicas de todos los rincones el mundo.
Música y los mejores changos de Montevideo y Buenos Aires.
Todos estaban felices. Sólo se quedó un regimiento de lloronas especialmente contratado por doce horas o hasta que cerrara el cementerio
Los que no me querían, felices por mi muerte.
Los que sí, recordando momentos agradables.
La gran mayoría formada por los garroneros de siempre, felices de chupar, morfar, y hasta echarse algún polvo, todo de arriba.
Una fiesta de puta madre
Un Sacudón me trajo a la realidad.Era Mobila. Ya era medodía y había que salir. Eleonora estaba molesta con todo. Hasta con Al.
Me lavé la cara con orina sobrante de los Suricatas que Mobila había guardado, (altamente recomendable, te despabila en un instante).
Me subí a la Hummer y arrancamos.
El polvo tras nuestro tapaba lo que había sido el hábitat de estos simpáticos animalejos. Seguíamos hacia Gabón
we left!
Sueño dreamed Soñito of the soul last night mine
Dreamed that he was dead and
who in my drawer you did not fit
Elías Cañetti (1875 - 1899)
When I finished waking up already blunted the sun. I prepared everything in the Hummer because the trip was going to be long and inhospitable. We had to cross the desert and like seven borders. If it hoped by those of the strength we did not leave more. Finally we did it. To Grinsaíno it was necessary to lower it in you walk. It could not walk. It brought with himself what it seemed to be its more valuable possession. The DVD of the Castle of the luck. I handled, Grinsaíno of companion. Back both tórtolos. In the box, without she knew it, a negrito stowaway went. We would discover it opportunely. The crossing of the Sahara was simple. The vehicle behaved well and in addition we weighed a reserve of 500 liters of potable water. The thing was put boring when we arrived at Niger (I create). Stones and more stones. Suddenly To it exclaims: - Mirá a Suricata, just as the one of Timo'n and Pumba! It surprised to me, since these likeable mammals live to the south of Africa, but were there. It was not going it to discuss. - That divine! Eleonora exclaimed. They are not a tenderness. Grinsaíno followed encofrado in its mutismo. The one that it was pronounced went polizonte to that I baptized of Mobila (I I knew who I was) Beat in the back glass and indicated the colony of Suricatas. I stopped the light truck. We had supper those charming bichitos. Near thirty. Richest they are the nursing puppies. Later they acquire like retrogusto rare. I do not recommend them for the supper. They fall heavy. That night I slept bad and I was strange sleepy, thing that never happens to me I dreamed about my burial. It was fabulous Grinsaíno took care of the projection with a tube of images digitized of the recording of Kind Of Blue and the simultaneous irradiation of "Under What". The original version of that disc While the multitude (it accompanied a lot to me by people) solazaba, two hands that I could not identify tied each one to a handle of the coffin a Red tape and a Violeta.Me tape lowered. They closed slabs. The multitude divided all meeting for the familiar mansion. There fabulosoy waited for a buffet to them the best spirits of all the corners the world. Music and the best changos of Montevideo and Buenos Aires. All were happy. A regiment of weeping only remained specially contracted by twelve hours or until it closed the cemetery Those that they did not want to me, happy by my death. Those that yes, remembering pleasant moments. The great majority formed by the garroneros of always, happy for absorbing, for morfar, and until lying down some dust, everything of above. A celebration of puta mother a Sacudón brought me to the realidad.Era Mobila. He was already medodía and it was necessary to leave. Eleonora was annoying yet. Until with A. I washed the face with tinkles leftover of the Suricatas that Mobila had kept, (highly recommendable, you despabila at a moment). I rose the Hummer and we started. The dust after ours covered what it had been the habitat of these likeable creepy-crawlies. We followed towards Gabon
lunes, octubre 03, 2005
Crimen y Castigo
Me encontraba yo felizmente orinando por la ventana por la que se había tirado Julia.
A lo lejos ví la silueta de una persona caminando hacia la fortaleza.
Me pareció raro alguien caminando solo por estos parajes, y picado por la curiosidad bajé a ver quien era.
Cuando bajé quedé a dos o tres pasos de los despojos del negrito mensajero.
Lo miré.
Su cabeza, -que había sido separada del cuerpo de un sólo corte-, sin ojos ni lengua (se los habían comido los rapaces) parecía incapaz de preguntarse por su destino.
Alcé la mirada. La mujer estaba cerca.
No reparé en otra cosa que en su belleza.
Era la negra, o más propiamente, la mujer más bella que había visto en mi vida.
Apenas cubierta de algunos trapos, tenía casi toda su piel al descubierto.
Se paró frente a mí.
Me ordenó:
- Has traicionado a tu propia sangre.
No por el asesinato. Por el desprecio
Por tus venas corre sangre africana y tu lo sabes.
Debes ser castigado.
Te va a doler. Pero no morirás
Con sus propias manos armadas de largas uñas rojas procedió a abrirme la cabeza por la cisura inter parietal.
El dolor que sentí es indesciptible. Perdí el conocimiento.
Al despertar a la noche todavía me dolía. La imponente negra seguía allí.
En una fogata había un implemento como los que se usan para marcar ganado pero más chico y con muchas letras chiquitas.
Me dió unas hierbas que sacó de una bolsita
-Esto te quitará el dolor. Ahora entierra al nego (SIC)
Me levanté y a pesar del todo cumplí con lo ordenado. Cuando terminé ya no sentía más dolor.
La mujer habló:
-Mira las estrellas. No falta algo?
Miré hacia arriba. Efectivamente. Al lado de la constelación de la madre de Kimba faltaba la estrella de Viernes
- Si, faltas tú
- Bueno. Me ahorras la explicación.
Contra lo que crees la expiación de tu pecado no ha sido a través del dolor.
Te he marcado a fuego en la superficie de las circunvoluciones cerebrales el texto que hay en esta marca.
No lo olvidarás jamás.
Y siempre la citarás como el mejor ejemplo de poesía que conoces.
Siempre además citarás al autor equivocado
Y como vino se fue. Contoneando las caderas.
Traté de leer el texto en la marca pero no pude.
Traje una madera, le apliqué la marca , y finalmente lo leí.
El texto me condenaba. Expiaría mi culpa de por vida.
Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida.
En la próxima intentaría cometer más errores.
No intentaría ser tan perfecto, me relajaría más.
Sería más tonto de lo que he sido, de hecho tomaría muy pocas cosas en serio.
Sería menos higiénico.
Correría más riesgos, haría más viajes, contemplaría más atardeceres, subiría más montañas, nadaría más ríos.
Iría a más lugares donde nunca he ido, comería más helados y menos habas, tendría más problemas reales y menos imaginarios.
Yo fui de esas personas que vivió sensata y prolíficamente cada minuto de su vida; claro que tuve momentos de alegría.
Pero si pudiera volver atrás trataría de tener solamente buenos momentos.
Por si no lo sabéis, de eso está hecha la vida, sólo de momentos: no te pierdas el ahora.
Yo era uno de esos que nunca iban a ninguna parte sin un termómetro, una bolsa de agua caliente, un paraguas y un paracaídas; si pudiera volver a vivir viajaría más liviano.
Si pudiera volver a vivir, comenzaría a andar descalzo a principios de la primavera y seguiría así hasta concluir el otoño.
Pero ya veis, tengo 85 años y sé que me estoy muriendo.
Crime And Punishment
It got late found I happily tinkling by the window by which Julia had been thrown.
To the ví distant spot the silhouette of a person walking towards the strength.
It seemed to me rare somebody walking single by these places, and itched by the curiosity I lowered to see that was.
When I lowered two or three passages of despoliation of the messenger negrito had left. I watched it. Its head, - that had been separated of the body of only cuts -, without eyes nor language (they had eaten them rapaces) seemed incapable to ask itself for its destiny.
I raised the glance. The woman was close. I did not repair in another thing that in its beauty. It was the black, or more properly, the woman more beautiful than had seen in my life.
Hardly cover of some rags, had almost all its skin in the open.
One in front of stopped me.
I order myself ':
- Arrodíllate
- you have betrayed to your own blood. I understand the death of the messenger.
Perhaps you are created superior to him by the mere color of your skin?
By your veins African blood runs and your you know it.
You must be punished.
It is going to you to hurt. But you will not die
With its own hands armed of long red nails came to open the head to me by parietal the Inter incision.
The pain that I felt is indesciptible. I lost the knowledge.
When waking up to the night still it hurt to me.
The imposing black followed there.
In a bonfire she had I implement like that they are used to mark to cattle but more boy and with many chiquitas letters.
It gave a grass me that removed from a bag - This will clear the pain to you.
Now it buries to nego (SIC)
I rose and in spite of the whole I fulfilled the ordered thing. When I finished no longer felt more pain.
The woman I speak ':
- Sight the stars. Nonlack something?
I watched upwards. Indeed. Next to the constellation of the mother of Kimba it lacked the star of Friday
- If, lack you
- Good. You save the explanation to me.
Against which you create the expiación of your sin has not been through the pain.
I have marked fire in the surface of the cerebral circumvolutions the text to you that there is in this mark. You will never forget it. And you will always mention it like the best poetry example than you know. In addition you will always mention the mistaken author.
And as she came it went.
Contoneando the hips.
I tried to read the text in the mark but I could not.
I brought a wood, I applied the mark to him, and finally I read it.
The text condemned to me. Expiaría my fault of by life.
It said:
If my life could live again. In the next one it would try to commit more errors. It would not try to be so perfect, would relax to me more. He would be more idiot of which I have been, in fact it would take very few things in serious. He would be less hygienic. Excursion more risks, would make more trips, would contemplate more dusks, would raise more mountains, would swim more rivers. It would go to more places where never I have gone, it would eat more freezing and less habas, would have more real and less imaginary problems. I was of those people who lived sensible and prolíficamente every minute of his life; clear that I had moments of joy. But if he could return back he would try to have only good moments. In case you do not know it, of that the life is done, only of moments: you do not lose yourself now. I was one of whom never they went nowhere without a thermometer, a stock market of hot water, an umbrella and a parachute; if he could return to live he would travel lighter. If he could return to live, he would begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of the spring and would thus follow until concluding the autumn. But already you see, I am 85 years old and I know that I am dying.